Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What Are You Doing For Constitution Day?

Wednesday, September 17th, 2008 is Constitution Day in the United States of America. What are you doing in your libraries to celebrate with your students, patrons, staff?

Constitution Day and Citizenship Day" provides an opportunity for libraries to perform a major public service. Libraries can
  1. continue their critical role as the foundation of our democracy,
  2. showcase their important resources for all citizens, and
  3. demonstrate that libraries are strong supporters of our country's values.

(All educational institutions, that receive federal funding from the Department of Education, are required to hold an educational program pertaining to the United States Constitution every September 17 in order to commemorate the September 17, 1787, signing of the Constitution. The law gives each institution the flexibility to act independently in implementing the celebration. When September 17 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, Constitution Day is held during the preceding or following week.)

Free resources for Constitution Day may be found at the Colorado State Library website, http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdelib/ConstitutionDay/index.html.

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